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  • 31st JanuaryNauru: Independence Day

The Commonwealth
Chamber of Commerce

Friendship Business Inspiration Diversity


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The Ghana Story

The Ghana Story

Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce warmly invites you to join us for a webinar focusing on the opportunities in Ghana across various sectors such as natural resources, tourism, sports, agriculture, ICT and more.

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Cross-Border Startup Odyssey: Cameroon and Bangladesh | Webinar Recording

Cross-Border Startup Odyssey: Cameroon and Bangladesh | Webinar Recording

Explore the dynamic entrepreneurial landscapes of Cameroon and Bangladesh with the Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce. Delve into success stories featuring Syed Rifat Hossain of Social Micro Finance and Hermes Nziko of Koree, as they share cross-border startup experiences and valuable insights into the realms of entrepreneurship and cross-cultural business ventures.

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The Commonwealth: Trade and Unity

The Commonwealth: Trade and Unity

The modern Commonwealth is an association of nations which’s shared values unite 2.5 billion people in 54 countries. Through its branches all over the world, the Royal Commonwealth Society tries to harness this soft power.

In conversation with Dr Muhammad Tahir Mansoori

In conversation with Dr Muhammad Tahir Mansoori

Dr Mansoori is a well-known and highly respected scholar within the community of Islamic scholars in Pakistan. He is currently serving as a Resident Shari’ah Board member for the Pakistani commercial and retail bank, Askari Bank Ltd., and also as a Shari’ah Advisory...

Why do we need a Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce in 2021?

Why do we need a Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce in 2021?

The world is reeling from the impact of Covid-19. An estimated 4.6 million people have died. In 2020, Commonwealth countries suffered a loss of US$1.15 trillion and 84% fell into recession.   Trade and shipping patterns face ongoing disruptions and uncertainties...

Commonwealth Chamber

The Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce (the CCC) is a membership organisation
connecting businesses and individuals with Commonwealth interests.

The CCC is committed to building, strengthening, and sustaining networks by cultivating meaningful partnerships
throughout Commonwealth business communities all over the world.


The CCC provides a networking forum to members by organising events ranging from speaker events, webinars and business seminars to major conventions which attract key business and decision makers.

Events and Partnership

The CCC strives to promote better understanding of business opportunities by enabling members to discover what’s happening locally and across the Commonwealth in respect of trade, investment and B2B/B2C match-making events. The CCC also hosts joint online events for charities and the local communities with other Commonwealth organisations.


The CCC helps its members to achieve their business goals by canvassing their views and representing them to top opinion-makers and senior officials of Governments and regulators throughout the Commonwealth.

Sharing and Connectivity

The CCC believes in the power of sharing and connectivity. Our members can share their insights and experience on our cloud platform and in doing so promote a well-informed and vibrant digital community for Commonwealth businesses, professionals and entrepreneurs throughout the Commonwealth.

Basic Facts


Member Countries


Of the Commonwealth population are 30 years and under

$13 TLN

Combined GDP (USD) of member countries

2.6 BLN

Total population living in the Commonwealth

Commonwealth Advantages 


• Intra-Commonwealth trade is expected to reach US$700 bn within 2020.

• Combined total exports of goods and services of Commonwealth members reached US$3.1 trillion in 2016, with Asian member countries accounting for 52% of total trade and 41% of exports.

• The Commonwealth has a high orientation towards trade in services (around 30%, compared to 24% of world wide trade in 2016).

• Top five providers of intra-Commonwealth trade in services are India, Canada, Australia, Singapore and the UK.

• Commonwealth countries on average apply fewer harmful non-tariff measures towards each other (and the rest of the world) having applied around 5% fewer since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008-2009



• Intra-Commonwealth productive FDI is projected to reach around US$1 trillion by 2020 and as of 2018, accumulated.

• FDI stock in the Commonwealth was over US$5 trillion, with Commonwealth member countries holding around 1/5 of global FDI stock.

• Intra-Commonwealth investments have a greater job-creating impact than investments from other countries,
generating on average 3.3 times more jobs.



• Intra-Commonwealth productive FDI is projected to reach around US$1 trillion by 2020 and as of 2018, accumulated.

• FDI stock in the Commonwealth was over US$5 trillion, with Commonwealth member countries holding around 1/5 of global FDI stock.

• Intra-Commonwealth investments have a greater job-creating impact than investments from other countries,
generating on average 3.3 times more jobs.


Doing business

• Contract enforcement is more efficient among Commonwealth members, requiring 20% less time than the world average, boosting both business and investor confidence.

• Business costs are 10-15% lower for Commonwealth countries trading with one another compared to trading with non-Commonwealth countries of comparable size and GDP.


Under 35 Membership

Free of charge

Exclusive rates to attend our Chamber events we hold every year

Opportunity to join the Chamber committees and social clubs

Public speaking opportunities at our events
Free marketing platform via Membership Benefits Program
Maximum visibility in our publications/newsletters
Opportunity for exposure of your company in our Chamber News and on our website

Individual Membership

£100 (per annum)

Exclusive rates to attend our Chamber events we hold every year

Opportunity to join the Chamber committees and social clubs

Public speaking opportunities at our events

Maximum visibility in our publications/newsletters
Free marketing platform via Membership Benefits Program
Opportunity for exposure of your company in our Chamber News and on our website

SME Membership

£100 (per annum)

Exclusive rates to attend our Chamber events we hold every year

Opportunity to join the Chamber committees and social clubs

Free marketing platform via Membership Benefits Program

Opportunity for exposure of your company in our Chamber News and on our website

Public speaking opportunities at our events
Maximum visibility in our publications/newsletters

Corporate Membership

£500 (per annum)

Exclusive rates to attend our Chamber events we hold every year

Opportunity to join the Chamber committees and social clubs

Public speaking opportunities at our events

Maximum visibility in our publications/newsletters

Free marketing platform via Membership Benefits Program

Opportunity for exposure of your company in our Chamber News and on our website