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Jamaica heroes day

Jamaica heroes day

This day is marked by various celebrations, including flag-raising and tree-planting ceremonies, concerts and services. Award ceremonies are also held every year to honour and reward those who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Jamaica and...


Dussehra or Vijaydashmi signals the end of the 10-day long festivities of Durga Puja. It is a day celebrating the victory of good over evil. On this auspicious occasion, the idols of Goddess Durga are immersed in water. 
WB prepares to inject US$40m in Gambia’s agriculture

WB prepares to inject US$40m in Gambia’s agriculture

The Gambia and World Bank to fund Gambia Inclusive and Resilience Agriculture Value Chain Development Project (GIRAV) with about $40 million. The minister for Agriculture Hon. Amie Fabureh in a virtual statement recognised the importance of the agricultural sector and...