Webinar on the Isle of Man: The Exemplary Jurisdiction for Asset Management | 30th November 2022 Recording
Keynote Address
Hon Alexander John ALLINSON MB BChir MRCGP DCH DGM DRCOG MHK; Treasury Minister, the Government of the Isle of Man
David Bushe Dip IoD, Chartered FCSI; Investment Director, FIM Capital Limited
Andy Morgan; CEO, Affinity Group
Laurence Keenan; Laurence Keenan Advocates & Solicitors
Martin Hall; Director, Atla Group
Yash Naidoo; International Business Development Manager, NED Bank.
Introduction and Closing Remarks
Julia Charlton; Chairman, the Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce.
Beginning with a keynote address by the Treasury Minister of the Isle of Man, the Hon. Dr Alexander Allinson, this webinar comprises a distinguished panel of the jurisdiction’s prominent and leading professionals, David Bushe Dip IoD, Chartered FCSI, Investment Director of FIM Capital Limited; Andy Morgan, CEO of the Affinity Group; Laurence Keenan of Laurence Keenan Advocates & Solicitors; Martin Hall of the Atla Group; and, Yash Naidoo International Business Development Manager at NED Bank.
Our notable speakers provide a compendium of information on the structure of the territory’s legal system, its financial services and the multifaceted process for relocation. They also discuss the factors and governance frameworks that have led to the success of the leading financial jurisdiction as well as the many incentives that make the Isle of Man such a prime destination for relocation, particularly for internationally mobile families.
The Isle of Man is a self-governing British Crown Dependency that has been a leading financial jurisdiction for over 50 years. The jurisdiction is a popular destination for the operations of over 400 reputable financial services companies, several of which are headquartered on the island. Currently the jurisdiction manages over £18.2 billion worth of funds, with specialisation in the wealth management of high net worth individuals and private and family offices, owing largely to its robust and expansive network of top-tier fiduciary, funds and wealth management experts that provide the most supportive environment to service private capital and wealth.
The Isle of Man is recognised and endorsed as a Financial Centre of Excellence by several international institutions and regulatory bodies, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under its Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) and Moody’s which gave the territory a credit rating of Aa3 with stable outlook. Over the last five years, the Isle of Man has been named the “Best International Finance Centre” four times, most recently winning the award at the 18th International Investment Fund and Product Awards. Residents looking for employment opportunities may greatly benefit from relocating to the Isle of Man as well. The island has the lowest crime rate and most robust geopolitical and geo-economic stability amongst all the British Isles; 86% of residents report excellent work-life balance and quality of life and surveys show that the employees on the island enjoy an average annual salary that is 14% higher compared to the UK salary average.