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The Eswatini National Plant Health Inspection Services (NaPHIS), in collaboration with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat and other partners, concluded a seven-month assessment of Eswatini’s phytosanitary system. The partners included the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce and Trade, Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Peak Timbers, Nisela Farms, and NamBoard.

During the workshops, participants from NaPHIS, representatives of other government departments, the national phytosanitary industry, grower associations and IPPC Secretariat staff reviewed and validated the outcomes of the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE). They also shared key outcomes with development partners. The PCE project, co-signed by the Government of Eswatini, falls within the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Policy Framework for Africa developed by the African Union (AU). It aims to spur trade among AU Member States and is being implemented in close collaboration with the African Commission Division for Rural Economy and Agriculture (AUC DARBE). The comprehensive evaluation provided critical insights into the strengths and weaknesses of Eswatini’s phytosanitary system.

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