Jan 26, 2022 | Commonwealth News
26 January is an important historical day for India as the day when the country officially adopted its constitution in 1950 which replaced the Government of India Act (1935) transforming the country into a newly formed republic.
Jan 26, 2022 | Commonwealth News
Many Australians celebrate by flying the Australian flag from businesses, homes and cars. On this day Australians often attend festivals, fireworks, community and sporting events or gather for family barbecues at home, parks or on the beach.
Jan 25, 2022 | Commonwealth News
South Africa’s Orange Corners (OC) and AstraZeneca announce a new private partnership to support budding young entrepreneurs. The OC’s mentorship programme will provide funding to youth and aims to turn their innovative ideas and start-ups into thriving...
Jan 25, 2022 | Commonwealth News
Saint Lucia officially extends their Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) special offer that allows investors to acquire an affordable second passport until the end of 2022. The potential investors have the option to acquire citizenship by investing in the National...
Jan 25, 2022 | Commonwealth News
Invivo Air launches the “world’s first winery airline,” to celebrate the reopening of Auckland’s borders and promote domestic tourism in New Zealand. It will be operating from the North Island of Auckland to Queenstown in the coming months....
Jan 24, 2022 | Commonwealth News
The Commonwealth of Dominica ranks as one of the safest places in the Caribbean and Latin America in a newly released one-of-a-kind report by CS Global Partners. It is one of the leading government advisory and marketing firms in the world. Taking into account safety...