Sep 5, 2022 | Commonwealth News
Prominent and well-respected Caribbean and Guyana-born jurist Louise Esther Blenman was sworn in as the new Chief Justice of Belize. She will be the first female to hold the post in that Caricom member state. She replaced Кеnnеth Веnјаmіn whо rеtіrеd іn Маrсh 2020....
Sep 3, 2022 | Commonwealth News
Rwanda unveils a list of prominent persons from across the globe that will be naming gorillas at this year’s Kwita Izina ceremony in Rwanda. Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, virtually revealed an inspiring name for a baby gorilla – Ubwuzuzanye, which means...
Sep 2, 2022 | Commonwealth News
In Singapore, celebrations are usually organised the day before the holiday. Students get a half-day off and participate in various events and bring gifts to express their gratitude and appreciation for their teachers.
Sep 2, 2022 | Commonwealth News
The Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, meets prominent leaders at Africa Climate Week 2022 to discuss the impacts of climate change. Gabon’s President, H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba was also present at the event and highlighted his country’s...
Aug 31, 2022 | Commonwealth News
Happy Independence Day, Trinidad and Tobago! To commemorate its independence and reflect upon the importance of freedom and unity, parades, dances and songs are among the many activities that take place across the nation on the day.
Aug 31, 2022 | Commonwealth News
Selamat Hari Merdeka! Wishing all Malaysians a joyful day of celebration as the nation celebrates its 65th National Day today.